February 10, 2016
Jason & Julie’s sessions took place late in October! Those leaves. <3 I wish we could predict the exact days that the leaves look the greatest so that we could have bright colored leaves for each Fall session!
These kiddos also did exceptionally well for pictures! It was later in the afternoon so I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but they did great! (I didn’t even need to swap any heads in Photoshop! That’s a major plus for any photographer!)
This little man does so well with all those sisters! Although I can’t remember if he was running away from the twins or trying to catch them! 🙂
I think he’s the most smiley little boy that I get to take pictures of!
The Sisters
We took a little break to play in the leaves! I think some of these photos are my favorites!
Thank you, Jason & Julie, for getting the family all dressed up for pictures! I had such a good time with you and your kids!