The Widrick Family | 2016 Family Session

April 25, 2017

Confession:  I have literally started this post 3 times and then I never finish it and every time that I have come back to it, I have had to start over because guess what? It’s not February, It is not “Finally Spring!” , and our snow has been gone for a while now! Regardless, I am getting SO excited for outdoor portrait sessions and I wanted to share more portraits from another session last fall.  I thought Greg & Deanna’s family photos would fit perfectly for this time of year! (now almost summer…..)   Also,  it has given me a chance to give a little “What to Wear” advice!  Recently, (and by that I mean a while back) there was a wedding in Greg & Deanna’s family so they decided to wear their wedding attire!  Don’t they look amazing?!!

 (Annndddd.  If you make it to the end of this blog post, there is a surprise at the end! Oh how fun!)

I don’t think you can ever be too dressed up for portraits.  Ladies, if you’ve ever wanted an excuse to wear a dress that flows or a tulle skirt, this is your chance!  Long flowy dresses and skirts look stunning on camera because they bring extra movement to your portraits and they really flatter the female body!  We don’t see many pantsuits on the red carpet, do we?!   

Here are a couple of portraits of Miss Mia!  She’s growing so fast!  I get to spend lots of time with this little lady at school.  She’s smart, sweet, funny and she works really hard!  Also, she’s a really fast runner and can definitely keep up with the boys!  It’s fun to watch her with her siblings.  She has the Big Sister role down to a T!

Little Aria is currently the youngest in the family!  She’s a mover and she didn’t stay still for very long during the session!

Gracia!  My little Friend!  She was my first Newborn so she has a special place in my heart!  And goodness, look at her expressions!  She gave me so many different faces!  I think that first face was after I did my fake laugh. Ha! Yes, it is that bad!

Cade is such a little stud!  How great does he look in his suit?!!  Cade is your typical brother.  He loves to pick, but I know that when the time comes, he is going to do a great job protecting his sisters!

Greg & Deanna recently celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary!  Congratulations!  In this world we live in it is so nice to see couples and families who are still together and going strong!  Thank you for being such a great example. 

And now for the BIG secret!  These kiddos are going to be Big Brother & Sisters once again in May!  Congratulations to the Widrick Family!




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photography by chelsea roes + design by the buffalo collective + Powered by Showit 2024

Chelsea Jane photography

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